Borobudur Hotels

Recognized as the largest Buddhist monument in the world, the magnificent Borobudur Temple in Central Java has again received worldwide acknowledgement: National Geographic placed Borobudur in the Top 3 of 15 in World’s Iconic Adventures Worth the Effort, after the awesome Machu Picchu in Peru and Petra in Jordan, as published on 26th April 2017.

Borobudur covers an enormous area, measuring a solid 123 x 123 meters. The monument is a marvel of design, decorated with 2,672 relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The architecture and stonework of this temple has no equal, and since 1991 the temple has been listed UNESCO World Heritage site. Borobudur sits on a hill and overlooks an unforgettable panorama of mountains and lush green valleys where you can stay in Borobudur area hotels if you would like to see the sunrise from the temple.

Borobudur Area
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