Indonesia Visa On Arrival 2024
Foreign nationals can apply for an Indonesian Visa online by visiting the official eVisa portal at Applicants must complete the necessary requirements based on their purpose of visit and type of visa, including payment of applicable immigration fees.
Certain travelers may also apply for Indonesian visas directly at the Indonesian Embassy, such as the Indonesian Embassy in Helsinki, or other official Indonesian consulates, depending on their country of origin.
If foreigners have an Indonesian Guarantor or Sponsor, they can apply for a visa on their behalf by accessing the same eVisa portal and completing the necessary requirements.
Upon receiving a Visa on Arrival (VoA), all visitors entering Indonesia must fill out a customs declaration form. This form includes information about items they are bringing into the country, such as goods, currency, or restricted items. The declaration can be filled out either on paper upon arrival or online through the official customs portal at, depending on the port of entry.
Visitors are advised to declare any items that may need to be reported to customs to avoid issues during their stay in Indonesia.
Below is the list of countries eligible and list of checkpoints (Sources: :
Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kepmenkumham) No. M.HH-
02.GR.01.06 Year 2024, dated 09 January 2024.
No. | Country | No. | Country | No. | Country |
1. | Albania | 34. | Italy | 67. | Portugal |
2. | Andora | 35. | Iceland | 68. | Qatar |
3. | Argentina | 36. | Japan | 69. | Romania |
4. | Armenia | 37. | Jordan | 70. | Russia |
5. | Australia | 38. | Greece | 71. | Rwanda |
6. | Austria | 39. | Kazakhstan | 72. | San Marino |
7. | Bahrain | 40. | Kenya | 73. | Saudi Arabia |
8. | Belarus | 41. | Korea, Republic of (South Korea) | 74. | South Africa |
9. | Belgium | 42. | Kuwait | 75. | Serbia |
10. | Brazil | 43. | Lao PDR | 76. | Seychelles |
11. | Brunei Darussalam | 44. | Latvia | 77. | Singapore |
12. | Bosnia Herzegovina | 45. | Liechtenstein | 78. | Slovakia |
13. | Bulgaria | 46. | Lithuania | 79. | Slovenia |
14. | Cambodia | 47. | Luxembourg | 80. | Spain |
15. | Canada | 48. | Macau | 81. | Suriname |
16. | Chile | 49. | Maldives | 82. | Sweden |
17. | China, People’s Republic of | 50. | Malaysia | 83. | Switzerland |
18. | Croatia | 51. | Malta | 84. | Taiwan |
19. | Colombia | 52. | Mexico | 85. | Tanzania |
20. | Cyprus | 53. | Morocco | 86. | Timor-Leste |
21. | Czech Republic | 54. | Monaco | 87. | Thailand |
22. | Denmark | 55. | Mongolia | 88. | Tunisia |
23. | Ecuador | 56. | Mozambique | 89. | Turkey |
24. | Egypt | 57. | Myanmar | 90. | United Arab Emirates |
25. | Estonia | 58. | Netherlands | 91. | United Kingdom |
26. | Finland | 59. | New Zealand | 92. | United State of America |
27. | France | 60. | Norway | 93. | Uzbekistan |
28. | Germany | 61. | Oman | 94. | Ukraine |
29. | Guatemala | 62. | Palestine | 95. | Vatican |
30. | Hongkong | 63. | Papua New Guinea | 96. | Venezuela |
31. | Hungary | 64. | Peru | 97. | Vietnam |
32. | India | 65. | Philippines | ||
33. | Ireland | 66. | Poland |
VoA and e–VoA for Tourism Purpose are granted for foreign nationals at the Immigration
Visit Visa Exemption or Visa on Arrival for Leisure Purpose are granted for foreign nationals at the Immigration Checkpoints as follows:
1. Airports:
No. | Immigration Checkpoints | Immigration Office | Regional Office |
1. | Halim Perdana Kusuma | East Jakarta | Jakarta |
2. | Hang Nadim | Batam | Riau Island |
3. | Juanda | Surabaya | East Java |
4. | Kertajati | Cirebon | West Java |
5. | Kualanamu | Medan | North Sumatera |
6. | Minangkabau | Padang | West Sumatera |
7. | Ngurah Rai | Ngurah Rai | Bali |
8. | Sam Ratulangi | Manado | North Sulawesi |
9. | Sentani | Jayapura | Papua |
10. | Soekarno Hatta | Soekarno-Hatta | Jakarta |
11. | Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman | Balikpapan | East Kalimantan |
12. | Sultan Hasanuddin | Makassar | South Sulawesi |
13. | Sultan Iskandar Muda | Banda Aceh | Aceh |
14. | Sultan Syarif Kasim II | Pekanbaru | Riau |
15. | Yogyakarta | Yogyakarta | Special Region Yogyakarta |
16. | Zainuddin Abdul Madjid | Mataram | West Nusa Tenggara |
2. Seaports:
No. | Immigration Checkpoints | Immigration Office | Regional Office |
1. | Achmad Yani | Ternate | North Maluku |
2. | Amamapare | Mimika | Papua |
3. | Anggrek | Gorontalo | Gorontalo |
4. | Bagan Siapi-Api | Bagan Siapi-Api | Riau |
5. | Bandar Bentan Telani Lagoi | Tanjung Uban | Riau Island |
6. | Bandar Seri Udana Lobam | Tanjung Uban | Riau Island |
7. | Bandar Sri Setia Raja | Bengkalis | Riau |
8. | Batam Centre | Batam | Riau Island |
9. | Batu Ampar | Batam | Riau Island |
10. | Belakang Padang | Belakang Padang | Riau Island |
11. | Belawan | Belawan | North Sumatera |
12. | Benete | Sumbawa Besar | West Nusa Tenggara |
13. | Benoa | Denpasar | Bali |
14. | Biak | Biak | Papua |
15. | Boom Baru | Palembang | South Sumatera |
16. | Celukan Bawang | Singaraja | Bali |
17. | Cirebon | Cirebon | West Java |
18. | Citra Tri Tunas | Batam | Riau Island |
19. | Ciwandan | Cilegon | Banten |
20. | Dumai | Dumai | Riau |
21. | Dwi Kora | Pontianak | West Kalimantan |
22. | Garongkong | ||
23. | Gunung Sitoli | Sibolga | North Sumatera |
24. | Jambi | Jambi | Jambi |
25. | Jayapura | Jayapura | Papua |
26. | Kabil | Batam | Riau Island |
27. | Kendari | Kendari | South-East Sulawesi |
28. | Kota Baru | Batulicin | South Kalimantan |
29. | Kuala Enok | Tembilahan | Riau |
30. | Kuala Langsa | langsa | Aceh |
31. | Kuala Tanjung | Tanjung Balai Asahan | North Sumatera |
32. | Kuala Tungkal | Kuala Tungkal | Jambi |
33. | Kumai | Sampit | Central Kalimantan |
34. | Labuan Bajo | Labuan Bajo | East Nusa Tenggara |
35. | Lauren Say | Maumere | East Nusa Tenggara |
36. | Lembar | Mataram | West Nusa Tenggara |
37. | Lhokseumawe | Lhokseumawe | Aceh |
38. | Malahayati | Banda Aceh | Aceh |
39. | Malundung | Tarakan | East Kalimantan |
40. | Manado | Manado | North Sulawesi |
41. | Marina Ancol | North Jakarta | Jakarta |
42. | Marina Teluk Senimba | Batam | Riau Island |
43. | Merauke | Merauke | Papua |
44. | Muara Sabak | Kuala Tungkal | Jambi |
45. | Nongsa Terminal Bahari | Batam | Riau Island |
46. | Nusantara | Tahuna | North Sulawesi |
47. | Nusantara Pare Pare | Pare Pare | South Sulawesi |
48. | Padang Bai | Singaraja | Bali |
49. | Panarukan | Jember | East Java |
50. | Pangkal Balam | Pangkal Pinang | Bangka Belitung |
51. | Panjang | Bandar Lampung | Lampung |
52. | Pantoloan | Palu | Central Sulawesi |
53. | Pasuruan | Malang | East Java |
54. | Patimban | Bandung | West Java |
55. | Probolinggo | Malang | East Java |
56. | Pulau Baai | Bengkulu | Bengkulu |
57. | Sabang | Sabang | Aceh |
58. | Samarinda | Samarinda | East Kalimantan |
59. | Sampit | Sampit | Central Kalimantan |
60. | Samudera | Bitung | North Sulawesi |
61. | Saumlaki | Tual | Maluku |
62. | Sekupang | Batam | Riau Island |
63. | Selat Lampa | Ranai | Riau Island |
64. | Semayang | Balikpapan | East Kalimantan |
65. | Siak Sri Indapura | Siak | Riau |
66. | Sibolga | Sibolga | North Sumatera |
67. | Sintele | Sambas | West Kalimantan |
68. | Soekarno-Hatta | Makassar | South Sulawesi |
69. | Sorong | Sorong | Papua |
70. | Sri Bayintan | Tanjung Pinang | Riau Island |
71. | Sri Bintan pura | Tanjung Pinang | Riau Island |
72. | Sunda Kelapa | North Jakarta | Jakarta |
73. | Sungai Guntung | Tembilahan | Riau |
74. | Sungai Pakning | Bengkalis | Riau |
75. | Taboneo | Banjarmasin | South Kalimantan |
76. | Tanjung Balai Karimun | Tanjung Balai Karimun | Riau Island |
77. | Tanjung Emas | Semarang | Central Java |
78. | Tanjung Gudang | Pangkal Pinang | Bangka Belitung |
79. | Tanjung Harapan | Selat Panjang | Riau |
80. | Tanjung Intan | Cilacap | Central Java |
81. | Tanjung Kalian | Pangkal Pinang | Bangka Belitung |
82. | Tanjung Meang | Bengkalis | Riau |
83. | Tanjung Pandan | Tanjung Pandan | Bangka Belitung |
84. | Tanjung Perak | Tanjung Perak | East Java |
85. | Tanjung Priok | Tanjung Priok | Jakarta |
86. | Tanjung Uban | Tanjung Uban | Riau Island |
87. | Tanjung Wangi | Jember | East Java |
88. | Tarempa | Tarempa | Riau Island |
89. | Teluk Bayur | Padang | West Sumatera |
90. | Teluk Nibung | Tanjung Balai Asahan | North Sumatera |
91. | Tembilahan | Tembilahan | Riau |
92. | Tenau | Kupang | East Nusa Tenggara |
93. | Tri Sakti | Banjarmasin | South Kalimantan |
94. | Tual | Tual | Maluku |
95. | Yos Sudarso | Ambon | Maluku |
3. Cross–Border Post:
No. | Immigration Checkpoints | Immigration Office | Regional Office |
1. | Aruk | Sambas | West Kalimantan |
2. | Entikong | Entikong | West Kalimantan |
3. | Jagoi Babang | Singkawang | West Kalimantan |
4. | Mota’an | Atambua | East Nusa Tenggara |
5. | Motamasin | Atambua | East Nusa Tenggara |
6. | Nanga Badau | Putussibau | West Kalimantan |
7. | Skouw | Jayapura | Papua |
8. | Tunon Taka | Nunukan | North Kalimantan |
9. | Wini | Atambua | East Nusa Tenggara |
Eligibility for Visit Visa Exemption or Visa on Arrival (VoA) allows certain foreign nationals to enter Indonesia for tourism and short-term visits. These visas can be issued at designated immigration checkpoints throughout Indonesia, provided the following requirements are met:
Requirements for Visit Visa Exemption or Visa on Arrival:
- Passport: A valid passport (diplomatic, official, or ordinary) with a minimum validity of six months.
- Return or Onward Ticket: Proof of a return ticket or a ticket for onward travel to another country.
- Visa on Arrival Fee: Payment of PNBP Visa on Arrival fee of 500,000 IDR for those applying for a Visa on Arrival for Leisure Purposes.
Upon approval, the Visit Visa Exemption or Visa on Arrival is granted with a specific Visit Stay Permit that allows the following lengths of stay:
- Visit Visa Exemption: Valid for a maximum of 30 days and is non-extendable.
- Visa on Arrival: Valid for a maximum of 30 days, with the option to extend once for an additional 30 days at the local Immigration Office.
The Visit Visa Exemption or Visa on Arrival for Leisure Purposes can also be granted to foreign nationals attending official government duties or international events in Indonesia. In these cases, an invitation letter from the Indonesian government must be provided, confirming the attendance at events such as international conferences, trials, or meetings.
7. Permitted Activities with Visit Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival
The Visit Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival allow foreign nationals to engage in specific short-term activities, including:
- Tourism
- Government official duties
- Business discussions
- Purchasing goods
- Meetings
- Transit
Please note that Visit Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival holders are not eligible to convert to other types of visit visas or long-term stay permits.
8. Visit Visa Exemption and Visa on Arrival holder cannot be converted to another type of visit visa or stay permit visa.
For travelers whose home countries are not included in the list of eligible nationalities, visa applications must be submitted through the Indonesian Embassy or Consulate in their country. For more details, please refer to Indonesian Embassy Consular Services.

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